Broadcasting Crew


  • Nathanael Kozinski

  • Harrison Corp

  • Stanley Deng


  • Arthur McAnally (Corak)

  • Andrew Freeman

  • Blake Patt

  • Blane Singletary

    By day, Blane is a mild-mannered media producer for a state government agency. By night, he’s a mahjong fiend. He hasn’t been playing that long, but he enjoys learning and trying out new strategies. He sees his role as a commentator in the ARML as a neat way to meld two of his passions together.

  • Bret Lockerbie

  • Dustin Fries

  • Edwin Dizon (12-6'er)

    Founder of ARML, Edwin generally doesn’t miss an opportunity to deliver a dad joke - even where one doesn’t seem to exist (though he promises to tone it down for the broadcasts). His mahjong play might reflect that as well - whatever that means.

  • Erik Karhan

  • Lucas LaPointe

  • Max Suddendorf (LightPinkYoshi)

  • Michael Lenard

  • Steve Augustin

  • Tucker Dowell (Ennui)

Member Streamers

  • Amy

    My name is Amy (amyhaiku). I stream MahjongSoul and Tenhou with a focus on strategy discussion. Based in New York City and an active member of Riichi Nomi NYC.

  • ICanHazMeows

    Casual fan trapped in an AC world. Still looking for 13 Orphans throughout the world.

  • QETC

    A blob vtuber that streams indie games and mahjong.

  • Queenie710